Mr. Tomioka shares his experience in overseas sales at a seminar in Akita City.
An "Overseas Expansion Seminar" was held at Iyataka in Akita City for companies considering expanding their sales channels overseas. Participants learned about product branding and other topics.
Koki Tomioka, 61, the second generation representative of Tomioka Shoten, a manufacturer and seller of traditional Kaba-zaiku, gave a lecture. The company's four principles include "Spreading the message widely throughout the world" and "Enrichment through continuous use.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the company began full-scale overseas expansion, successfully developing sales channels, including orders from a luxury French brand, and establishing the "art Kaba" brand that blends in with overseas interiors. Mr. Tomioka stated, "We were able to expand overseas guided by our corporate philosophy," and emphasized the need to develop products that match the modern age based on the history and rarity of traditional crafts.
The seminar was held on November 9 as a place to learn the know-how of overseas expansion based on actual experiences.... (Ayano Ishikawa)
An "Overseas Expansion Seminar" was held at Iyataka in Akita City for companies considering expanding their sales channels overseas. Participants learned about product branding and other topics.
Koki Tomioka, 61, the second generation representative of Tomioka Shoten, a manufacturer and seller of traditional Kaba-zaiku, gave a lecture. The company's four principles include "Spreading the message widely throughout the world" and "Enrichment through continuous use.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the company began full-scale overseas expansion, successfully developing sales channels, including orders from a luxury French brand, and establishing the "art Kaba" brand that blends in with overseas interiors. Mr. Tomioka stated, "We were able to expand overseas guided by our corporate philosophy," and emphasized the need to develop products that match the modern age based on the history and rarity of traditional crafts.
The seminar was held on November 9 as a place to learn the know-how of overseas expansion based on actual experiences.... (Ayano Ishikawa)