Tea cup and saucer Tsunagu
New project, a total of 44 anti-ageing recipes are presented together with serving dishes using kaba-zaiku.
We hope that everyone interested in cooking will enjoy our anti-aging recipies and our Kaba-zaiku tableware.
Coconut milk, commonly used in Southeast Asia for cooking, has a gentle sweetness.
Coconut milk is rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium. It also contains ketones, medium-chain fatty acids that promote energy production. Ketones support cognitive function by burning body fat and serving as an energy source for nerve cells in the brain.
The recipe calls for agave syrup, which has a low GI, instead of sugar, but feel free to. use your favorite sweetener.
Anti-aging foodstuffs Coconut Milk
<Ingredients> For 2 servings
100 g glutinous rice flour
90ml water
150ml coconut milk
30ml milk
2 tablespoons agave syrup
(or any sugar)
A pinch of salt
A few cloves
2 tablespoons red bean paste
Fruit of your choice, as desired
A little mint
<How to Cook>
1. Combine together the glutinous rice flour and water and roll into small balls. After, place in boiling water and when they float, cool under cold water and drain.
2. Combine coconut milk, milk, agave syrup, and cloves in a saucepan, bring to a boil, and let cool.
3. Place the white balls in a bowl and pour in the ingredients from step 2. Decorate with appropriately sized fruit, bean paste, and mint.
New project, a total of 44 anti-ageing recipes are presented together with serving dishes using kaba-zaiku.
We hope that everyone interested in cooking will enjoy our anti-aging recipies and our Kaba-zaiku tableware.
Coconut milk, commonly used in Southeast Asia for cooking, has a gentle sweetness.
Coconut milk is rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium. It also contains ketones, medium-chain fatty acids that promote energy production. Ketones support cognitive function by burning body fat and serving as an energy source for nerve cells in the brain.
The recipe calls for agave syrup, which has a low GI, instead of sugar, but feel free to. use your favorite sweetener.
Anti-aging foodstuffs Coconut Milk
<Ingredients> For 2 servings
100 g glutinous rice flour
90ml water
150ml coconut milk
30ml milk
2 tablespoons agave syrup
(or any sugar)
A pinch of salt
A few cloves
2 tablespoons red bean paste
Fruit of your choice, as desired
A little mint
<How to Cook>
1. Combine together the glutinous rice flour and water and roll into small balls. After, place in boiling water and when they float, cool under cold water and drain.
2. Combine coconut milk, milk, agave syrup, and cloves in a saucepan, bring to a boil, and let cool.
3. Place the white balls in a bowl and pour in the ingredients from step 2. Decorate with appropriately sized fruit, bean paste, and mint.
Download this recipe's PDF File (English)